
RF Listener
This is a directional device which receives RF signals and makes them audible. It allows you to hear a whole chorus of ambient RF transmissions which we are normally unable to perceive.

Super Bright Tactical "Burst Light"
This is a small flashlight with an absurd 6600 lumen output. That's 3-6 times brighter than a car headlight! It can run for 15 seconds at a time, then it needs to cool down.

DIY Reflow Plate
This is a a reflow hot-plate that I built that can run standard reflow temperature profiles.
Can be used to produce SMT prototpes at home.

Anti-Drone Gun Turret
This is an automated turret that tracks and shoots down micro-drones using a Nerf gun.
On the project page you can find a build log, as well as the complete code and schematics.

4G Earth Rover
I built this during an internet-of-things hackathon. It's an RC car with a video camera that can be controlled over the 4G network. I stayed up for 30 hours straight to get it working.

Large Bore Cannon
During high-school I built dozens of air cannons. About a year into my first job, I decided to build one more. I had 2 goals:
1. Use my improved engineering skills to make it as nice as possible.
2. Build a cannon so powerful that the recoil is "excessive".